9.08.2013 г.

Man and Woman in Bed at 10 p.m.

Man and Woman in Bed at 10 p.m.

I feel like a can of sardines she said
I feel like a bandate I said
I feel like a tuna fish sandwich she said
I feel like sliced tomato I said
I feel like it's gonna rain she said
I feel like the clock has stopped I said
I feel like the door's unlocked she said
I feel like an elephant is gonna walk in I said
I fel like we ought to pay the rent she said
I feel like we ought to get a job I said
I feel like you ought to get job she said

I don't feel like working I said

I feel like you don't care for me she said
I feel like we ought to make love I said
I feel like we've been making too much love she said
I feel like we ought to make more love I said
I feel like you ought to get a job she said
I feel you ought to get a job I said

I feel like a drink she said
I feel like a whiff of whisky I said
I feel like we're going to end up on wine she said
I feel like you're right I said
I feel like giving up she said
I feel like I need a bath I said
I feel like I need a bath too she said
I feel like you ought to bathe my back I said
I feel like you don't love me she said
I feel like I do love you I said
I feel that thing in me she said
I feel that thing in you I said
I feel like I love you now she said
I feel like I love you more than you do me I said
I feel wonderful she said I feel like screaming
I feel like going on forever
I feel you can't she said
I feel I said
I feel she said
Charles Bukowski

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